ˇopen up!
decoded terminate
their new polka
speaking tones
siesta for two
expect now
space odyssey revisited
the fourteenth thing she did..
Utazás a koponyám körül. Az első szám okozta sokk után rá kellett jönnöm, hogy terápiás zene ez, mintsem kínzókamra. Hidd el, nagyon nem jó érzés folyton egy szovjet katódsugárcső tompa zaját hallani. Reggel-délben-este. Igen, iZbornnak is van tinnitusza.
Objects and phenomena commonly viewed as "static" often appear to be lively processes or life-forms in a different scale, dimension or system of coordinates. it is possible to observe known "hidden" activities (such as planetary motion, cellular life or electro-magnetic disturbances) by using an appropiate technique. however, these processes can also be perceived as anomalies in a state of enhanced awareness or hyper-sensitivity. sometimes they are fun, too. ivan pavlov/COH lives in sweden and works as an acoustic engineer.