warner, 2001
1. The Lifting
2. I've Been High
3. All the Way to Reno
4. She Just Wants To Be
5. Disappear
6. Saturn Return
7. Beat a Drum
8. Imitation Of Life
9. Summer Turns To High
10. Chorus & The Ring
11. I'll Take The Rain
12. Beachball
no. i can't stop to listening to rem, my music. the words of the confused lyrics are going to be set together in michael's voice and the harmonies by the instruments, like mandoline, harpsicord, accoustic guitar... all that were forgotten since automatic for the people. autumn's here, i told you. now sweeter you're so sugar sweet you may as well have 'kick me' fastened on your sleeve you know what you are you're gonna be a star.