versatile, april 2003
A1. Onto
A2. Are You Vegetarian ?
A3. John - Instrumental
A4. Epilogue De John
B1. L'Amour, C'est Pour Les Caniches
B2. Partly Fish, Partly Pauper
B3. Prelude A Une Mouette
B4. La Mouette
C1. The Minimum Of Life
C2. Resistance On An Island
D1. Commercial Break
D2. Come Into My Kitchen
D3. Into
D4. Fantomes
Electronic robot mixer, come into my kitchen. "Whats's this post-kraftwerk feeling? Tell, me!" - get the question from nskmbm jr. yeah, this is pure electro, hc bit-music, house break and ambient at the same time. "Fantomes will hount your spirit for a long time" -it's probably not right, but well a nice electro record. I have to be used to this one.